Looking to discover more but not sure where to start? Take advantage of our free in-home consultation! Contact us today to schedule your appointment.
Professional Care....
in the best place
We bring high-quality care to your front door so you can stay in an environment that is comfortable and familiar to you.
Our flexible services cover a range of home care needs, including nursing, caregiver assistance, and specialised care such as dementia support and palliative care.
Our goal is to help you maintain your independence and control by providing you with choices.
Our team delivers expert care with kindness and respect, ensuring that you receive the best possible care.

Recognising the need for support
If you feel that changes are happening, some daily activities are a little more difficult, or your enjoyment of life is being compromised, we believe it may be time to have a chat.
Receiving in-home services should not be perceived as a decline, but as a change as someone grows older. It is a fact of life for many people. Receiving help is not a sign of defeat, it is a means to ensuring a good quality of life and not surrendering.
Finding the right balance between facilitating a person’s self-reliance and providing in-home health care can be challenging.
Services at home are designed to keep people as well and safe as possible. It is a
great time to talk to someone if you notice any of the following:
Loosing weight or a significant gain
Personal appearance more unkempt or a lack of personal hygiene
Forgetfulness or confusion
Home less tidy
An empty fridge and expired food
Difficulty walking and/or holding onto furniture to move around
Loneliness and isolation
Unopened mail
We can offer a sensitive, positive conversation that focuses on a person’s interests, priorities and the benefits of services.

Reasons to consider care at home
"A little support can make a big difference"

We know that most people want to remain in their own home and people who have chronic health conditions often need some help to maintain their independence, health and well-being. Accessing home care may seem challenging however, the benefits are significant:
home care is often more affordable than a nursing home and contributes to increased satisfaction with life
you get to choose the care, services and support you wish to receive
your care is personalised to promote your independence, comfort and confidence
supports families staying together
Home care has expanded and offers a comprehensive range of services in accordance with each person's needs, wishes and preferences such as:
help around the home with dishes, laundry, cooking and cleaning
assistance getting to and from appointments
groceries and shopping
support with activities of daily living such as toileting, bathing and dressing
respite for carers and supervision for safety and comfort
Home care provided by Affinity Senior Care with a registered nurse as your clinical partner has the benefits of reducing stress and helping people to stay well.
Accessing home care services
Understanding the aged care system and different services available for seniors, can be difficult and complex. If you would like to know more about the programs and services available in the Brisbane North and Moreton Bay region we are able to assist.
There are a range of Federal and State Government programs that can provide assistance, as well as private services.
We understand the terminology and processes related to the aged care system. We have the knowledge, skills and resources to support you. We can provide you with information to understand your options, choose and access appropriate aged care services.
If you would like to have a conversation without any commitment we are happy to visit you at home and provide a free initial consultation which you can access by calling (07) 3186 1325.